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- About The Brand -

Our Story


Hello, my name is Carla Tomlinson. I am a pharmacist, tobacco cessation counselor, aromatherapist, reiki practitioner, and mother.  I understand that our society is too fast and we need to slow down and take a break from life.  We take too much medicine and do not allow our bodies the chance to heal itself. Life is a marathon with a lot of sprints. It is between those sprints that we need to allow our bodies to rejuvenate. I created this company to help you find that path. Whether it is through my products or services, L'Aromapothicaire is committed to to helping you achieve that plan.  The Synergy of Science & Nature is here, Relax, Rejuvenate, Enjoy!

Thank You and Best Wishes,


Why L'Aromapothicaire?


Aromatherapy is an unregulated industry in the United States, but in France only a doctor or pharmacist may use these oils in practice.  As a pharmacist, and aromatherapist I believe the blending of my scientific and holistic background will offer you the best of each world. When crafting these products I have studied these essential oils at their molecular level and put my thought, love, and energy into each creation.  


I commit to the finding the finest ingredients.  Working with distilleries and suppliers who share my commitment to the highest quality product is not an option, but a necessity to ensure you are receiving the best products.  

Live life to the fullest and live it well! Synergize with L'Aromapothicaire.

About Us 


L'Aromapothicaire is an essential oil and Botanical Bodycare Line created by a pharmacist. L'Aromapothicaire is the Synergy of  Nature & Science.



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